The Pregnant Body
The pregnant body is complicated, a duality. It has potential for life, while still a life of its own. It is both…
Planning, Power, and the Patriarchy
Chalk control up to another one of those sacrifices that martyrs, I mean mothers, are just expected to make.
My Progressive Hometown
Once, years ago at a Steve Miller concert with my childhood friend, a man asked where we were from. We explained and he lauded, “Wow, and look at you now, you’ve made it.” “Sure,” we replied, “but that town made us.”
Are Boys Really "Easier?"
When parents don’t participate in the shaping of their children, society gets full reign. And society is currently shit at parenting boys.
It's the Men, Stupid
And just like the last time, I find myself silently, or not so silently, screaming. What about the men? It’s the fucking men.”
One Overeducated Mother
There is no such thing as an “overeducated woman,” we are, and should continue to be, as educated as we want or need to be.
Struggle Versus Failure
We feel like we’re failing.But maybe we’re not failing. Maybe we’re just struggling.
How Becoming a Mom Made Me More Pro-Choice
Becoming a mother has been one of the most incredible, and probably one of the best choices I’ve ever made, not the least because it was a choice - my choice.
Mom Boobs: Finally Pulling their Own Weight
“Roses are red, violets are black, why is your chest as flat as your back?” Botany ignorance aside, this schoolyard chant taunted me through 8th grade.